
Paintings of artist Sergey Amirt of St. Petersburg

About Segey Amirt: Sergey Amirt (real surname Scheglov) - one of the actual painters of Saint-Petersburg. Sphere of creation of Sergey - momentary graphics rough sketch, coloured graphic by pastel, sculpture and photo. Marine topic, city life, portraits are beloved themes of Amirt. But which topic wasn't be selected for self-expression, in it there are invariably peace, friendship, love and lyrics beauty. Amirt declares: "Beauty is the most all-powerful divinity, but also it is vulnerable, that is why let's save and affirm it!" Amirt finished artistic academic school name of N.K. Rerikh for sculptor-graphic. In the actual time he is in his fourth years at the Saint-Petersburg's state University of culture and arts, learn managment of social and cultural activity. He was exhibited at Palaces of Culture of Moscow and Saint-Petersburg, Smolniy Palace of Saint-Petersburg. For your regard some works by this painter.

Photographies of Lubov Bakhova | Paintings of Sergey Amirt

Pictures of Artists of St. Petersburg Pictures of Artists of St. Petersburg Pictures of Artists of St. Petersburg Pictures of Artists of St. Petersburg Pictures of Artists of St. Petersburg Pictures of Artists of St. Petersburg Pictures of Artists of St. Petersburg
Pictures of Artists of St. Petersburg Pictures of Artists of St. Petersburg
Pictures of Artists of St. Petersburg Pictures of Artists of St. Petersburg Pictures of Artists of St. Petersburg Pictures of Artists of St. Petersburg Pictures of Artists of St. Petersburg Pictures of Artists of St. Petersburg Pictures of Artists of St. Petersburg Pictures of Artists of St. Petersburg Pictures of Artists of St. Petersburg Pictures of Artists of St. Petersburg Pictures of Artists of St. Petersburg Pictures of Artists of St. Petersburg Pictures of Artists of St. Petersburg Pictures of Artists of St. Petersburg

Fotos: (c) These drawing are made by Sergey Amirt, please contact lubov_b7 @ mail.ru for details.

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Photographies of Lubov Bakhova | Paintings of Sergey Amirt

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